Open Event November 2022


Date & Time:
Thursday 17 November 2022 17:00 - 19:00
Bishop Auckland Campus

Come along to our interactive ‘school leaver’ open evening on Thursday 17 November 2022 5pm – 7pm taking place at Bishop Auckland College.

At this event you will be able to watch, make, participate and learn through a range of interactive activities that will help you to get a much better idea on the different courses we offer. Where they can lead including employment opportunities, university and career progression…all in one night!

Want to be a builder, joiner, painting and decorator, motor mechanic?

Have a go at building a brick wall, making basic joints, stencilling, diagnostics car maintenance.

Learn about how to become a sports therapist, PE teacher, sport coach?

Come along to our sports coaching session delivered by our sports team and talk to students who are on course and studying our sports degree.

Do you have a creative flair?

If so, we offer four different areas, art and design, music, performing arts and photography. Have a go at making clay-pots, tour the recording music studio and our dark room photography facilities, see dance workshops taking place for this year’s panto and musicals.

Want to become a nurse, paramedic, social worker, teacher, nursery-nurse or join the police or one of the armed forces?

Early Years staff and students will be providing demonstrations on ‘junk modelling’ and ‘baby bathing’.

Visit a mock crime scene and take part in a forensic psychology activity.

Learn about our two new T Level qualifications in education and care and healthcare science.

Visit our new computing and IT and Esports digital suites

Take part in the latest gaming experiences and learn about branding, marketing enterprise and business.

Want to work in a top salon, gain an apprenticeship, compete in regional competitions and receive work experience that could lead to employment in some of the best hotel and spas in the region?

Come along and visit out barbering, hairdressing and complementary therapies salons and nail-art bureau. See demonstrations by existing students and staff and learn how we link in professional development training from some of the top brands in the sector.

...and much more