Learning Support Funds Application

If you studied with us last year and received learner support funds in 2023-2024, you do not need to submit a new application if your household income has remained the same. Please click here to complete the Self Declaration to confirm this is the case and select what you have a financial need for and return to finance@bacoll.ac.uk

Please ensure you read the below guidance notes which apply to you. These will outline the evidence of income you need to supply to support your application.

You must submit household income evidence with your application. Your application will not be assessed without this. Please ensure you provide all pages of any documentation. If you experience any difficulties applying for funding online please email us at finance@bacoll.ac.uk.

Funding Need

Please select the funding you have a financial need for:

Please read guidance for eligibility criteria. Learn more about the available funding types of our Funding & Loans page.

Personal Details

Home Address*

Cannot find your address?

At the College


We will only disclose your details to you. If you wish to nominate a parent / guardian / support worker to contact us on your behalf please provide their details.


See the guidance notes at the top of this page to determine the evidence you need to supply.

Provide Complete Evidence

Please ensure that if you are submitting Universal Credit evidence that you submit screen shots of 1 full months statement showing all payments and deductions. If submitting a tax credit award letter, please ensure you attach all pages.

System Restrictions - Up to 10 files. Acceptable file types: PDF, PNG, JPEG. Max file size 2MB.

If you cannot upload your evidence here due to the system restrictions then please attach your evidence in an email to finance@bacoll.ac.uk along with a PDF copy of this application.

To save this application as a PDF:
  1. Ensure you have filled out this application in full (except for uploading your evidence).
  2. Print this webpage by clicking here, using the shortcut Ctrl+P or opening your browsers options menu.
  3. In the print menu select "Save as PDF" as your destination.
  4. Save the file somewhere easy to access like your documents or the desktop.
  5. When emailing us your evidence attach the saved PDF application to your email.
