Bishop Auckland College's Climate Action
As the UK government takes forward plans to tackle the
climate emergency and meet its legally binding commitment to achieve net-zero
emissions by 2050, it is crucial that the education sector embeds climate
responsibility in all of its activities. To do this will require dedication,
resource and a focus on all aspects of College activity including college
operations, buildings and infrastructure; education about sustainable lifestyle
choices; revisiting partnerships and suppliers; and curriculum developments to
connect students with jobs emerging in the green economy.
From the 2021/22 academic year, Bishop Auckland College will
redouble its commitment to addressing the climate emergency agenda.
We will build on previous work with a renewed focus using
the framework provided by the Climate Action Roadmap for Further Education
Colleges as a route towards achieving net zero emissions. All aspects of
College operations will be reviewed in order to achieve the initial target of a 15% reduction in the
College’s carbon footprint by 2025. Work will embrace college operations,
buildings and infrastructure; education about sustainable lifestyle choices;
revisiting partnerships and suppliers; and curriculum developments to connect
students with jobs emerging in the green economy, such as those in the domestic
retrofit sector.
You can read our 2021/22 Streamlined Energy and Carbon