Athlete who won national medals while studying degree inspires BAC students

An inspirational international athlete who successfully balanced a university degree with major athletics competitions is sharing his story with our full-time students this week.

Frederick Afrifa

When Frederick Afrifa moved to the UK from Milan, Italy, aged 13 he spoke no English and felt anxious and insecure.

Having started his sporting life as an athletic footballer in the Lombardy region, known for his silky skills and lightning-fast speed, Fred was pushed to get into athletics in London by his PE teacher Mr Silly, a former Togolese track and field athlete.

It was an astute move. Fred won gold at his first ever English Schools Championship, representing London in the 4×100 relay and the 200m sprint. He finished his first competitive season ranked 2nd in Italy and has since represented the country at various international competitions.

At his most successful meeting, Fred returned home with five national medals from the Italian U23 national championships, competing in both indoor and outdoor events.

He has since graduated from university with a degree in accounting and French, proving that with the right balance, academic excellence and sporting dreams can coincide.

In his new career as a motivational speaker, Fred uses his own personal story of successes and failures in athletics and in business to discuss the key themes of resilience, hard work, setting goals and determination.

He has delivered hundreds of workshops at schools, colleges and universities around the country, inspiring young people with his entertaining and engaging assemblies.

Fred said: “My advice for any students reading this is that the sky is the limit! You already have some interest, talents and ideas. Embrace them and see where they take you. Don’t be scared to make mistakes and believe in greatness!”

We’re delighted to have Fred in college for four days this week at group tutorial lessons speaking to all our full-time learners and inspiring them to believe in themselves and their abilities.